hey guys..
its been a while...
still got nothing to write but still trying..
right now its raining and its been like this for two days..
some people say rain is a sign of sadness..
some say its a sign of happiness..
so what do u think??
leave a comment..
ok the truth is i'm not writing to discuss about the rain..
its just that its been so lonely after finishing at uitm kuantan..
coming back home was not as fun as it was before..
coz i feel like im missing something..
my friends of course...
back at my place ive only a few of them to hang out with...
man i really miss waking up and seeing my roommate's face in the morning...
knocking on other's doors while their still sleeping..
and especially hangin out with the ones i love..
it sure is different here..
argh.. better stop now..
feeling so down right now..
well.. until i write again..
bye all.. chow cincau..

wish we're back together...